Welcome to the FAQ page

Q:Where are you located?

A:We offer a mobile service covering the Ottawa and surrounding area. We do not presently have an official storefront or showroom. If you need to view a ramp and get a feel for our work, we can arrange a joint visit to one of our many satisfied client’s homes.

Q:Why should I rent?

A:Renting a ramp helps you eliminate the worry of getting in and out of your house. We make the process safe, reliable, and uncomplicated so you can focus on your health and rehabilitation at home.

Q:How long will it take?

A:Typical installations are 4-5 hours of labour for two installers including unloading, travel time and set up.

Q:When can you install it?

A:Our lead time required to organize an installation is typically 3-4 days. Although, we have fulfilled an installation in less than 24 hours (without even seeing the site beforehand)!

Q:How much does it cost?

A:The cost is based on the extent of the installation labour and the components necessary to meet the proposed configuration. To ballpark, installation labour can range from $350 to $750 and the monthly rental fee ranges from 250$ - 500$.

Q:Do I need a permit?

A:The short answer is no. Because the ramps are temporary with self-supporting hardware and make no structural changes to the house, there is no permit required. In addition, the ramps have features built into each system that cover a majority of Ontario Building Code Regulations. Variances exist across different municipalities, so if in doubt it’s always best to double-check.

Q:Can you install a ramp during the winter?

A:Winter installations are part of the year-round service we offer. If the site is covered in unmanageable snow and ice, we ask that it be removed/relocated from where the proposed ramp is to be installed. We understand that there will not be a true solid footing for the ramp leg supports to install on so with every winter installation we offer a free adjustment (in spring) when the ground dries up and has stopped heaving. The modular design of the ramps makes this a very seasonal-friendly product to work with.

Q:Do you build out of wood?

A:Although you may know someone who can build you a wooden ramp, our expertise is focused on aluminum modular systems. The advantages of our modular systems are speed of installation, inherent safety, consistency, the versatility of configurations and minimized waste. No major alterations are required to your property and the ramp can be removed quickly after it is no longer needed.

Q:I only need a ramp for a couple of steps. Why can’t I use something shorter?

A:Safety is always a requirement. Our ramps are configured to ensure both the patient and caregiver can use the ramp securely and easily. As a result, the safest option isn’t always the shortest one. The steeper the ramp, the more at risk the caregiver and patient can be.

Q:Can I purchase a used system?

A:If you are currently renting a ramp and want to purchase it, we can discuss further options. However, it is not a regular transaction we offer. We strive to offer cost-effective solutions by maintaining a minimal level of inventory in our warehouse. The cost savings from renting a ramp outweigh the cost to purchase our used inventory. In most scenarios, if you wish to purchase a ramp from us, we would quote you a new system at a reduced price from the MSRP.

Q:What are my Rent-to-Own options?

A:We currently do not have a financing option in place. Although it is a sound principle, it often results in a higher cost to you the client. We want you to have flexibility with your ramp and keep costs low so that your dollars can be used for other quality of life costs.

Q:A health worker/rep said “I’ll either need a huge ramp or a lift for my house and neither of those are available for rental.” Is this true?

A:It’s always advised to get a second opinion. Everyone speaks about their experience. We’re experienced with ramps and this is reflected in our ability to offer solutions that may not have been considered by others.

Q:How come I haven’t heard of you until now?

A:Our service is very niche and specialized. Big companies that have a lot of marketing presence, do not offer this type of service. We are still a small company with a big vision. We’re building our brand as a trusted service provider, bit by bit with every new health practitioner and client we serve in the community.